About Us
About us
We are a logistics company offering customized rail freight transportation through the Santa Marta – La Dorada rail corridor. In partnership with our stakeholders, we operate reliably, efficiently, and sustainably, connecting the country.

Our Experience
Our Experience

16 years of experience in rail transport

42 million tons of cargo moved since 2009

94 intermodal operations between the Santa Marta and La Dorada corridor

26 drivers and assistants certified by FENOCO

29 technicians in rail operations and maintenance
767+ kilometers of rail corridor for intermodal service between La Dorada and Santa Marta
Our Operations
We connect the country, uniting territories and promoting Colombian competitiveness
Sustainable Commitment: TRANSFERPORT and its work with the community

million people
live in the operating area

direct jobs
in the local community

tons less
Co2 emissions

local suppliers
strengthening the local economy
Our commitment
We reinforced the security walls surrounding to the Carlos García Mayorca educational institution in the Cordobita township.
Accompanied by Mayor Luis Fernández Quinto, councilors, district leaders, and the educational community of IE Carlos García Mayorca, we delivered 258 linear meters of a new wallthat will allow over 600 students to feel safe when entering their school. “We are working hand-in-hand with the communities in our area of influence, listening to and prioritizing […]
Transferport and SENA join forces to strengthen the skills of residents in the project’s area of influence
Over 300 people who had empirical technical skills from the coastal neighborhoods and the Cordobita township were trained by SENA professionals for two months, receiving technical certification in construction, electricity, welding, maintenance, refrigeration equipment repair, and heavy machinery.
We listened to the social leaders of the municipality of Ciénaga. At Transferport, we understand the importance of listening to each leader in our area of influence. It is important to know our area of influence and work with them hand-in-hand. We sat down to listen to Community Action Boards, the territorial council, councilors, federations, and […]
Frequent questions
¿Is Transferport responsible for maintaining the national railway?
Transferport is a rail operator offering freight transport services. It is not a concessionaire nor an administrator of the railways it operates on (Santa Marta – La Dorada). Currently, these railways are managed by the FENOCO Concession (Santa Marta-Chiriguaná) and the San Felipe Consortium (Chiriguaná – La Dorada).
¿Is it a passenger train or just for cargo?
Currently, the train is only for cargo.
¿Is the railway narrow gauge?
Yes, the railway between Santa Marta and La Dorada is narrow gauge (914 mm). Although this gauge is not very common worldwide, it works well for the conditions of the SM-LD corridor.
¿How can I work with Transferport?
We strive for equal opportunities for all who wish to apply for our job openings according to the required profiles. All openings are posted on our website, in city halls, and in high-traffic areas within our zones of influence. We also have agreements with employment services from compensation funds in our zones of influence.