Let's talk
We would like to hear from you.
Transporte Ferroportuario de Colombia – TRANSFERPORT S.A.S. (hereinafter the “Company” and/or Transferport) is a 100% Colombian company specialized in providing rail freight transportation services. Transferport´s operation is located along the rail corridor between La Dorada (Caldas) and Ciénaga (Magdalena), covering approximately 750 km. This corridor covers five departments and eight municipalities.
In line with Transferport’s institutional commitment to implement a Third-Party Attention Policy (hereinafter the “Policy”), Transferport´s Board of Directors approved and issued clear and precise instructions to ensure its full knowledge and compliance by the entire organization.
Promoting and maintaining an environment of proper attention, fair treatment, protection, respect and service to its different stakeholders is a fundamental element for Transferport. Therefore, the Third-Party Attention Policy constitutes an institutional commitment to protect third-party interests, ensuring its application and interpretation aligns with the bylaws and the Compliance Program adopted by the Company.
Transferport has provided and informed via its website, the following communication channels for submitting PQRS (Petitions, Complaints, Claims, and Suggestions):
- Bogotá Telephone Line: +57 601 3286540 from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
- Email: informacion@transferport.co
- Address: Calle 90 No. 10-41 Piso 9 in Bogotá D.C. from Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Third parties must provide their contact details such as landline, mobile number, address, and email.
Los terceros deberán suministrar sus datos de contacto como teléfono fijo, celular, dirección y correo electrónico.
Call availability
Monday-Friday: 8:30am – 5pm

Calle 90 N° 19 – 41 – Piso 9 – Edificio Quantum Business Center Bogotá D.C., Colombia.
+(601) 3286540